The outdoor playground of the Woodview Learning Centre received an exciting update thanks to a generous legacy gift by Anne Martini!
The joy of the holiday season is upon us. However, the disruption in routine can be overwhelming for children with sensitivities. Unfamiliar sights, interrupted schedules, new foods, and loud celebrations can present challenges. As the holiday season approaches, it is wise to educate your family members on what to expect at family gatherings throughout the holiday season.
Up until now most of our blog posts have been about academics, classroom content, and other school topics. While these are important, they only capture a portion of Woodview Learning Centre. We also believe that learning needs to be fun, different, and thoughtful.
It is that time of year in our little school with a big heart; the graded report cards have been sent out. Our school has long prided ourselves as being focused on individual education for each child. But what do letters and percentages mean in a private school with a modified, accommodated, or alternative curriculum?
The reports have gone out, they may look different than other schools, and the content may be different as well. You had hopes that the work that was done over the summer would show. Or perhaps you hoped the rest you gave them over the summer would refresh them for the beginning of the year. Some of you may be celebrating successes, and others may be encountering obstacles. In this blog post we are getting to talk about what it means for both sets of parents, guardians, and families.
Just like Thanksgiving, at Woodview Learning Centre we understand that Halloween can bring both joyous moments to celebrate as well as a list of potential challenges for our students. The following tips represent the lessons that we’ve learned over the years of listening to parent concerns, student worries, and the success stories too! We hope you can put them to good use with your family this Halloween.
The first week of October always brings a list of reasons to celebrate at Woodview Learning Centre. Our students have been showing us lots of signs of a successful transition into a new school year by figuring out their new classroom routines, building new friendships, and finding their place within our school. The change of seasons also brings new excitement to enjoy the fall colours during our many outdoor activities. Already this fall the students have gone to an apple orchard for apple picking, enjoyed watching the leaves change in our own playground, and will soon be heading out on a fall scavenger hunt.
This session provides an introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). Participants will learn about preventative strategies to diffusing situations and managing behaviours and the basics of the function of behaviour.…
What’s New at Woodview Learning Centre? We now have a BCBA! We are delighted to announce that effective September 2018, the Woodview Learning Centre will have a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA)! Liz Day has been with Woodview’s Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) program, now the Ontario Autism Program (OAP), since 2012 and as the BCBA Clinical Supervisor since 2014. Liz has extensive experience consulting with families and providing ABA therapy for children with ASD. Liz continues to be an incredible asset to Woodview and now the Woodview Learning Centre looks forward to having her join the team!
It’s that time of year again. The schools are filling in, kids are excited to see their friends again, desks are being arranged, and visible learning goals are being created. But that is not always the reality for those living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) – and other obstacles to learning and school success. For these children and their families, back to school can be a stressful time. Too often our system expects parents and kids to easily enter the stream without taking into consideration the need for integration, routine, sensory stimulation, or even just the sense of being overwhelmed.