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Success Stories

All of your teachers are incredible. They are all fantastic with the students. The Learning Centre is a fabulous school with teachers who have made a visible difference to my child’s academics, communication, social skills, and confidence. Thank you Woodview!

Learning Centre Parent

For the first time I felt confidence in the abilities of the educators to work with my son the whole school day; teaching supporting, encouraging, listening and really caring. Their skills in communications extend to the whole of the family, beginning with daily taking time to talk with the parents about…. Read More

Learning Centre Parent

Our son Kenny was diagnosed with ASD at about 18 months of age. We tried pretty much all the therapies that were available at the time, speech therapy, occupational therapy and Music therapy for a short time. IBI was denied to him through the publicly funded program, as he was too “high functioning” but we…. Read More

Learning Centre Parent

Learning Centre Parent

Imagine a school...

…Where the staff help each child / youth maximize his or her potential in 
a supportive environment and provides individualized learning strategies for children with ASD. Woodview Learning Centre is such a place! An alternative school placement of children / youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder, our interesting and effective curriculum offers a wide range of opportunities for learning these skills.

Learning Centre Classrooms

Book a Consultation

We invite interested families to request a consultation of our Learning Centre to see our students and Instructors in action! Your consultation will include a walk through our facility including the spacious outdoor space, indoor gym, classrooms, learning resource room, and office.

News & Events

Playground Receives Exciting Update Thanks to Legacy Gift

The outdoor playground of the Woodview Learning Centre received an exciting update thanks to a generous legacy gift by Anne Martini! 

children laughing wearing santa hats
Holiday Sensitivities: How to Prepare Your Family

The joy of the holiday season is upon us. However, the disruption in routine can be overwhelming for children with sensitivities. Unfamiliar sights, interrupted schedules, new foods, and loud celebrations can present challenges. As the holiday season approaches, it is wise to educate your family members on what to expect at family gatherings throughout the holiday season.

Inside & Out with the Learning Centre

Up until now most of our blog posts have been about academics, classroom content, and other school topics. While these are important, they only capture a portion of Woodview Learning Centre. We also believe that learning needs to be fun, different, and thoughtful.